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Alexander Katriniok

Alexander Katriniok is an Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Control Systems Technology section, department of Mechanical Engineering, The Netherlands. He received the PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 2013. 


At TU/e, Dr. Katriniok’s research focuses on real-time (distributed) optimization-based control, learning-based control and control with rigorous safety guarantees, with application to motion planning, decision making and control of autonomous vehicles in uncertain environments. 


Dr. Katriniok has 15 years of professional experience in the field of automated/autonomous driving (up to SAE Level 4), during which time he has demonstrated technical leadership in R&D projects related to vehicle autonomy, driver assistance systems, collision avoidance systems and connected vehicles. Since 2016, he is with the Ford Research and Innovation Center in Aachen, Germany, where he is currently involved in low speed autonomy applications.


Dr. Katriniok is a Senior Member of IEEE and is engaged as an active member within the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Technical Committee on Automotive Control, chairing the committee’s working group on “Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems“. He is also an Associate Editor within the IEEE CSS Technology Conference Editorial Board.


©2023. Croatian Academy of Engineering | CAETS2023 - International E-mobility Symposium | Zagreb, Croatia | October 09-11 2023