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Ivan Petrović

Ivan Petrović is a full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia, where he heads the Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics – LAMOR ( He is also co-director of the Centre of Research Excellence for Data Science and Advanced Cooperative Systems (

His research work has been concerned with various aspects of automatic control, state estimation, and machine learning and their application in the control of complex technical systems, with the autonomy of mobile robots and vehicles being among his main research interests in the last twenty years. He published his research results as the author or co-author of more than 80 papers in scientific journals and more than 220 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He has actively participated as a collaborator or principal investigator in more than 70 research and development projects at the national and EU level. The results of his research have been incorporated into several industrial products. He is an active member of national and international professional societies. Among others, he is a full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Croatian Academy of Engineering, chair of the Technical Committee on Robotics of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), and a permanent board member of the European Conference on Mobile Robots. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Automatika journal and Associate Editor of the Mechatronics journal.

Full biographical details can be found here: 




©2023. Croatian Academy of Engineering | CAETS2023 - International E-mobility Symposium | Zagreb, Croatia | October 09-11 2023